Friday, June 27, 2008

Playing that stale old card smells like rotten feet.... or blood...

So Nelson Mandela has paved the way for all to see. It was easier for him to do though, but at least he showed balls and this is what the rest of the world lack.

Nelson pulled Naomi Campbell off the stage at his party, as he was "disappointed" with her behavior on the BA Flight to the States the other day. I say well done oh wise one.

She of the lost luggage primadonnas, however, threw the very familiar race card on the table as expected.

Is it just me or do people of color have this thing with their skin? The moment things don't go their way the card is played and everyone cringes because another black person with the "you owe us" attitude has been aggrieved.

Alas, this was the lesson leant the hard way a few years back. Cape Town was bidding for the Olympic Games and in the final stretch it was Cape Town and Athens neck in neck. What did the old wise man do? He told the committee "You owe us as Africans". Maybe not in so many words, but the message was loud and clear. Those boys did not fall for it and I applaud them. Athens got it and nearly screwed it up, like South Africa is currently (potentially) doing with the Soccer World Cup.

The World Cup was given entrusted to South Africa as a gift from the world as far as I'm concerned. The rest of the world said, you can do it. We'll give you a chance. You are unlike the rest of Africa. You have a proven record with the Rugby World Cup and the Cricket World Cup. You have done it and you succeeded.

I'm afraid the time has come to have another look at this. Crime and corruption is making the rest of Africa look like clean cut school boys... Except for that monkey just north of the Limpopo River. Fully (apparently) backed by the government of South Africa.

Today is the Presidential run-off and no one is even trying to prevent the syphilis ridden monkey faced creep of a Mug-ape from fucking up the place even more.

And this is where I'm circling back. I am no racist and neither is most of the world. I am, however, fed up with those of color playing the card and those of none holding back, just in case those of color may be proved right.

The rest of the world owes nothing to Africa anymore. The time of begging with the white bread under the arm should be over. The rest of the world need to open their eyes and pressure those who play the card while their people are dying in droves because they cannot govern without corruption. In fact this apparently is not in the African blood to do democratic things, like they profess to do (or want to do).

It is time Mug-ape is taken out like Sadam and prosecuted for fucking up a whole country.

It is time the rest of the world tells Mbeki to straighten out the crime and corruption in South Africa. Take away the Soccer World Cup before the rest of the world sees the real problems, so expertly hidden by threatening with the card. Embarrassment will not be the government’s only. The Nation of South Africa (color or no color) has a reputation to clean up and it needs to start at the top.

Stop playing the card and act like beggars guys. No one owes Africa. Slavery has come and gone and those Ogerous Colonists for the good of everyone developed the countries. It is the beggar culture, which drove them back to the Stone Age after independence.

The racist card is old and stale and the rest of the world needs to take notice and stop feeling guilty.


Anonymous said...

You write very well.

H of Arabia said...

Thank you for the comment. i appreciate it very much. Sorry for the delayed response.
H of Arabia